I often find the world around me chaotic and a lot to take in. We live in a world that is ramped up, fast paced and that often doesn’t wait. In the Forest it is quite the opposite. There, things run in cycles. There is patience everywhere. You only have to stand beneath a tree to witness this. Or go back to the same spot time and time again to see how bareness turns to something more full, and then back to bareness. Even that which dies in the Forest promises a final display of beauty. And it is the way that nature does so with such grace. There is no chaos or questions or judgement, instead a gentle knowing.
Emily with an ancient beech in Epping Forest
Epping Forest is a sanctuary.
When I enter into the Forest I feel I have stepped into something far dierent to that of the rest of my environment. To me the energy feels like a velvet blanket. I feel the churned up parts of me settle, fairly quickly. Much like a snow globe after it has been shaken.
I have never left the Forest feeling worse off. I always have left the Forest feeling energised and incredibly humbled. There I am reminded that often thinking is a nuisance and trying to understand things is non sensical. Because the Forest reminds me of a bigger picture, to zoom out and to take a breath. Whilst I often feel engulfed in its every detail, equally; my mind shuffes to a place that understands something bigger than my self. A loving energy that moves through absolutely all of us.
As I have discovered more of the Forest over the years and begin to understand the complexity and vastness of its interwoven multi system I feel a resemblance of this inside of me. As the space and expansion reminds me of the space inside of me and the natural growth that can occur- sometimes I don’t need to try so hard.
Trees are amazing.
I wasn’t sure about hugging trees many years ago. Well that’s not so true, I always wanted to but felt a little daft! But then one day I felt a strong urge to do so. It seems that each tree feels different in its energy. If you listen and relax enough they can send you a message, too. They are there, just as much as a being: as us, waiting to support and heal us. It only makes sense that we make a better effort to do the same for them.
If you ever need to find strength, just look at a tree. Practice being a tree. It’s a powerful exercise.
About Emily:
Emily is an artist, EFT practitioner and local resident. She as been in rehabilitation from ongoing health issues. She joined Epping Forest Big Walk 2024 this September, and used the opportunity to fundraise for EFHT, as the walk was a challenge for her. To find out more, follow Emily on Instagram:@ejanehandley, or visit: sycamorehealing.co.uk