Epping Forest Consultative Group
We are a member of the Epping Forest Consultative Group which is hosted by the Conservators of Epping Forest, the City of London Corporation, who manage the Forest. It replaces the previous Epping Forest Consultative Committee and is no longer serviced by the central City of London Corporation team.
The Epping Forest Consultative Group will meet three times a year. At each meeting, it will review the papers that the Conservators are planning to take to the next or a future Epping Forest and Commons Committee meeting (see below), where decisions are made about the Forest and its management. Papers include plans and strategies for the Forest, which can include individual site proposals, strategic developments, and policies.
We will receive papers a week in advance of those meetings and will post them here for comment by members.
The next meeting will be held on Wednesday 19th June 2024 at 7pm.
From the agenda it looks like mostly verbal agenda items. Click here to view the full paper and agenda.
If you have any comments on these papers please email policy@efht.org.uk
The Consultative Group meeting will be available for public viewing on the City of London YouTube site.
To view the meeting, please visit: https://www.youtube.com/live/70FzYdC9HMk?si=Yb_J1oeNmbOeMzPc
Previous Consultative Group Meeting on Wednesday 28th February 2024 at 7 pm.
Highlights include full details of the 4 new strategies for the Natural Environment Directorate and a paper about the Natural Capital Audit of the City’s Green spaces, including Epping Forest. Also papers setting out the new structure of the Natural Environment team at the City as well as the Epping Forest team, and a paper setting out the approach to increasing the physical accessibility of the Forest. Click here to view the full paper and agenda.
If you have any comments on these papers please email policy@efht.org.uk